Go digital - future of online tuition

June 6, 2020

As we are slowly over coming the impact of COVID-19 and are returning to normal life, we thought it won’t be too bad to look at the benefits of online tuition, which was possibly the only option available to the students to stay in touch with the teachers during the lockdown period.
Some of the benefits of online tuition are:
(1) Flexibility of session time, flexibility of location of the student or the tutor.
(2) No travelling for the tutor as well as for the student, hence saving of time and energy.
(3) Direct interaction between student and the tutor.
(4) Easy access to study resources.
(5) More (regular) contact with the tutor.
With the availability of high-speed Internet connectivity at a very low cost, quality video sessions between a tutor and a student are easily possible. Most of the students now-a-days have access to computer / laptop or a smart phone which are necessary for online tuition. The infrastructure at the tutor’s end may require a few modifications and / or up gradation by addition of some of the online teaching tools. 
While we work together to plan introduction of online tuition, please login to reach your desired page.
Thank you.

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