Example 3

<title>HTML-Example 3</title>
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We are learning how to go to another HTML page or to another website using simple HTML code.<p>
<li>This is how you can go to another HTML page. 
<a href="example1.html">Click here</a>.<p>
By clicking on back arrow, you can go back to previous page.This a browser feature.</li><p>
<li>This is how you can go to another website page which will replace the current page.
<a href="http://www.go-to-us-college.com/">Click here</a>.<p>
By clicking on back arrow, you can go back to previous page.</li><p>
<li>This is how you can go to another website page which will open in a new browser page.
<a href="http://www.go-to-us-college.com/" 
target="_blank">Click here</a>.<p>
You can close the browser to go back to your page.</li><p>
Above are examples of links.<p>